Quixy Editorial Team
August 29, 2023
Reading Time: 4 minutes

It all started with the internet, the one that accelerated society in a shorter time than any other technology in history. Then came the cloud that enabled the ever-present, on-demand access to a shared pool of computing resources. Now we have aPaaS that enables users to build applications on the cloud faster and cheaper than other alternatives. Let’s dig deeper into understanding these digital transformation approaches!

What is aPaaS?

aPaaS or Application Platform as a Service is a category of cloud-based software that provides a platform for users to develop, deploy and manage applications without the complexity of building and maintaining the infrastructure typically associated with developing and launching an application. It provides subscribers with the hardware, operating systems, storage, or network capacity for developing new applications.

Triangle showing hierarchy of  cloud services

How is aPaaS different from PaaS?

PaaS or Platform as a Service refers to any cloud-based middleware, including BPM, messaging apps, and other tools while aPaaS refers specifically to PaaS platforms specialized in cloud-based application development. It is best to think of aPaaS as a subcategory of PaaS.

What is the difference between IaaS, aPaaS, and SaaS?

showing difference between SaaS, aPaas and IaaS

A little more detailed comparison:

iaas vs paas vs saas vs on-site

What are the Key Features of aPaaS?

Key features include:

  1. Visual, model-driven development for building applications using customizable forms, workflows, and business rules.
  2. One-click deployment to the public cloud, private cloud or on-premises
  3. Reusable app components for composing the necessary building blocks versus reinventing the wheel in each project

Also read: Everything you should know about no-code development


What are the benefits of aPaaS?

Application platform as a service enables rapid application development and delivery. Many PaaS providers streamline different aspects of application provisioning and deployment but don’t address the slowness of developing applications. The right aPaaS brings automation to the complete application lifecycle, providing a faster way to build apps with fewer resources compared to traditional methods.

Also read: A Comprehensive Glossary of Digital Transformation Terms

How is aPaaS priced?

Pricing models vary among providers. Many use the number of apps or users to set a monthly fee. Platforms like Quixy also provide a free version, empowering individuals and organizations to test the development platform.

Difference between aPaaS and IaaS

When it comes to crafting digital marvels, Application Platform as a Service (aPaaS) gives developers the ultimate paintbrush. It handles all the nitty-gritty of infrastructure, so they can focus purely on creating amazing apps. Meanwhile, Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) hands developers a virtual playground where they can build anything from the ground up, handling the blocks and the building.

Difference between aPaaS and PaaS

Think of Application Platform as a Service (aPaaS) as a tailor-made studio for app artisans. It’s all about creating and refining apps with ease. Platform as a Service (PaaS), on the other hand, is like a bustling marketplace offering the studio and various tools and materials, making the entire app-making journey smoother.

Difference between aPaaS and SaaS

Application Platform as a Service (aPaaS) is like giving you a magical wand to conjure custom apps into reality. It’s a canvas where your app dreams take shape. In contrast, Software as a Service (SaaS) is like entering a ready-to-go wonderland, where you can use existing software without needing to worry about installation or upkeep.

Difference between IaaS and PaaS

Imagine Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) as a DIY construction site. You get the land, materials, and tools to build your own structures. Platform as a Service (PaaS) is like a creative studio where you can craft something unique but with added conveniences like tools, blueprints, and a supportive community.

Difference between IaaS and SaaS

Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) hands you the keys to a virtual world where you’re the master of your domain – you build, configure, and maintain. Software as a Service (SaaS), however, is like entering a grand feast, where you savor the dishes but leave the cooking and cleanup to someone else.

Difference between PaaS and SaaS

Platform as a Service (PaaS) is like a collaboration space for app developers, providing not only tools but also the ideal environment to shape your creations. Software as a Service (SaaS) is akin to a ready-made buffet – you simply enjoy the dishes without worrying about the recipes or cooking process.

Quixy as an Application Platform as a Service (aPaaS)

Quixy’s application platform as a service empowers business users with no coding skills to build unlimited enterprise-grade applications, using simple drag and drop design, 10X faster using 60% fewer resources compared to the traditional approach, consequently enhancing efficiency, transparency, and productivity of business operations.

The platform includes an integrated cloud database, a visual application builder, enterprise-grade security, regulatory compliance, and scalable global infrastructure. Don’t miss out on the chance to elevate your processes. Take the first step and get started with Quixy today. 

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