Data Capture
Quixy Editorial Team
August 10, 2023
Reading Time: 2 minutes

While often overlooked, data capture is one of the most promising avenues through which a business can make strategic decisions and understand the nuances of its processes on a meaningful level. Data capture simply revolves around the collection of various types of information, formatting, analyzing, and storing it in a way that is beneficial to the various processes of an organization.

Traditional data capture was mostly done manually, using complex forms. The data hence gathered had a high chance of being riddled with mistakes and it is not quite useful or actionable either.

There are various industry use cases that involve scanning of barcode and QR codes, as scanning is a great way for data capture. A few examples of these are:

  • Scanning inventory in the warehouse or any other location.
  • Scanning previously issued visitor passes issued to allow or disallow the entry.
  • Scanning and pull up information from documents like invoices, purchase orders, etc.

Quixy allows enterprises to build applications that can be used to collect data effectively.

Also Read: In-App Conversations: A New and Effective Way to Interact

Let’s take a look at how it works:

Easy QR Code and Barcode Scanning

Quixy provides 40+ drag-and-drop form controls to capture any information. The process works something like this:

Enable Scanner

To capture Barcode or QR Code information in the Form Builder, drop a text field onto the canvas.

In the properties field, check “Enable Scanner”.

If you want the scanner to open automatically when using the app, check “Open by Default”.

Form Builder

Pull up additional information

You can then use the captured information to pull up additional information, as the case may be.

Mobile scanner

Yes, it’s that simple!



By making the process of capturing data so easy, enterprises can give a major push to its adoption as well. As more and more organizations are making digital tools a part of their processes, data capture is surely an area to focus on. And with platforms like Quixy, you can get started in no time.

Don’t miss out on the chance to elevate your processes. Take the first step and get started with Quixy today.

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