Agile Project management
Quixy Editorial Team
August 10, 2023
Reading Time: 5 minutes

Are you confused about the differences between traditional and agile project management? Trying to decide which approach will work best for your team? Don’t worry; we have you covered. 

In this blog post, we’ll explore what sets these two approaches apart and provide advice on which might be right for you. 

What is Project management?

Project management is managing all the resources, tasks, and goals that go into completing a project. It plans and organizes work, sets deadlines, tracks progress, and maintains stakeholder communication. 

Project management helps teams stay organized and focused on their goals, and it also allows for more efficient use of resources and helps to ensure that project deadlines are met. Traditional project management is a linear process focusing on upfront planning where factors like cost, scope, and time are important. 

Agile project management is much more flexible than the traditional approach. It relies on smaller groups and interactive releases throughout a project, and it puts more emphasis on individuals and interactions while also giving stakeholders more control over the project.

Also Read: Project Management Hacks 101: Handbook for assured Success

Introduction to Agile and Traditional Project Management

Project management involves planning, organizing, motivating, and controlling resources and processes to achieve specific goals. There are two main project management approaches the traditional and agile approaches

Traditional Project Management

Traditional project management, also known as the Waterfall method, is a linear and sequential approach to project management. It follows a strict methodology where each project phase, such as planning, design, development, and testing, must be completed before moving on to the next step. This method is best suited for projects with well-defined requirements and predictable outcomes.

The Waterfall model consists of several phases, such as:

  • Requirements gathering and analysis
  • Design
  • Development
  • Testing
  • Deployment
  • Maintenance

One of the key characteristics of traditional project management is the heavy emphasis on planning and design. This includes creating a detailed project plan, outlining the project’s scope, and identifying the resources required to complete the project. The project plan is then used as a roadmap for the entire project and serves as a reference point for all stakeholders.

Another characteristic of traditional project management is the focus on deliverables and completion. This means that the project manager is responsible for ensuring the project is completed on time and within budget. This is achieved by establishing strict change management processes and ensuring that all stakeholders adhere to the project plan.

The team roles and responsibilities are fixed in traditional project management, meaning that each team member has a specific role and is responsible for specific tasks. This approach allows for clear communication and a clear chain of command but can also limit the team’s ability to adapt and make changes as the project progresses.

Risk management in traditional project management is proactive, meaning that the project manager identifies potential risks before they occur and takes steps to mitigate them. This is achieved by creating a risk management plan and regularly reviewing it throughout the project.

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Agile Project Management

Agile software development is a general approach that emphasizes teamwork, collaboration, timeboxing, and flexibility to respond quickly to change.

Agile management certifications emphasize teamwork, customer collaboration, and flexibility. With each software development iteration, this approach focuses on incorporating customer feedback and releasing continuous updates.

Agile software development emphasizes changes and collaboration over a predefined process to deliver results. Agile’s adaptive planning is perhaps its best feature, making it a favorite of project managers worldwide.

Agile frameworks such as Scrum and Kanban are widely used. In addition to encouraging decision-making, they prevent time consumption on variables that are likely to change. At every stage of the software development process, the company emphasizes customer satisfaction and uses available teams to speed up development.

Advantages and Disadvantages

Below are the advantages and disadvantages of Traditional Project Management and Agile Project Management.

Advantages of Agile Project Management

  • There are many benefits of agile project management over the traditional project management approach. It is much more flexible and allows teams to adapt to changes during the project. 
  • It also encourages collaboration between team members by breaking down projects into smaller and more manageable sprints. This helps to ensure that teams stay on track and that potential issues can be identified and addressed quickly. 
  • Furthermore, its iterative process requires less time for upfront planning, resulting in faster delivery times, lower costs and improved business value. 
  • Finally, agile methodology encourages customer feedback which helps to refine the project and ensure higher-quality results.
disadvantages of agile project management

Disadvantages of Agile Project Management

  • However, agile project management methods have their drawbacks. It is not suitable for large and complex projects since it relies on small groups and interactive releases throughout the project. 
  • Additionally, documentation is done during the project, which can become tedious and increase the time it takes to complete the project. 
  • Furthermore, agile does not focus on upfront planning, which means that other factors such as cost, scope, and time are not given enough importance.

Advantages of Traditional Project Management

  • Traditional project management is a well-established approach that offers many advantages. It is ideal for large and complex projects requiring high control, accuracy, and predictability levels. 
  • It allows project managers to plan extensively and set clear objectives and expectations. This helps ensure that all stakeholders are on the same page and that the project progresses according to plan. 
  • Traditional project management also allows for better risk management and more accurate budgeting, making it ideal for projects with tight deadlines and limited resources.
  • Additionally, this approach allows for a thorough documentation of each step of the process, making it easier for team members to stay on track and for external auditors to ensure compliance.

Disadvantages of Traditional Project Management

  • Traditional project management is linear and does not provide much space for evolution. 
  • It also lacks flexibility, as the project manager must approve changes. Moreover, it is unsuitable for large and complex projects as it does not allow the team to backpedal. As a result, it can be challenging to keep up with the changing demands of larger projects. 
  • Additionally, traditional project management does not offer much room for creativity and innovation, as each process step is predetermined.

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Difference between Traditional and Agile Project Methodology

The table below shows the significant differences between traditional and agile project methodologies.

Traditional Methodology Agile Methodology
The Waterfall model is used. Iterative and incremental development.
Emphasis on planning and design. Emphasis on flexibility and adaptability.
Emphasis on deliverables and completion Emphasis on customer satisfaction
Projects are completed in phases. Projects are completed in sprints.
The strict change management process. Encourages changes and improvements.
Team roles and responsibilities are fixed. Team roles and responsibilities are flexible.
Limited customer involvement High customer involvement
Risk management is proactive Risk management is reactive
Suitable for projects with well-defined requirements Suitable for projects with changing requirements

How do you choose between Traditional and Agile Project Management?

When deciding between traditional and agile project management, it is essential to consider the size and scope of the project, the team’s competencies, and the available resources. 

Agile is ideal for smaller projects with short turnaround times, and it is also great for projects requiring frequent customer or stakeholder feedback. On the other hand, traditional project management is better suited for larger projects that require upfront planning and more rigid processes. 

Ultimately, choosing a project management methodology best fits your team’s needs and goals is crucial.

Also Read: SDLC Vs Agile: Which one is the best?


When choosing between traditional and agile project management, it is essential to consider your project and its goals. Traditional project management is more suited for less complicated tasks, while agile project management is better suited for projects that require quick adjustment and modifications. 

Adaptive agile project management also tends to be more collaborative and cost-effective, resulting in better digital transformational results. The choice between the two ultimately depends on the needs of your project and the resources available.

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