  • Business Process Management
    10 Valuable Benefits of Business Process Management
    Reading Time: 6 minutes

    In the current business landscape, collaboration and integration are increasingly important. As businesses develop and grow, every department needs to work together to meet business goals. This can lead to complicated business processes that cause confusion and result in lost time and resources. Business process management (BPM) can help businesses avoid these issues and lead

    Business process management WFH
    Efficient Business Process Management while Working at Home
    Reading Time: 9 minutes

    This article was first published on Thrive Global. As Steve Jobs said, “If you define the problem correctly, you almost have the solution.” This holds, especially for an activity like business process management. This activity depends almost entirely on understanding the problem that needs to be solved and then providing a process that might clarify

    Operational Agility
    4 Ways to drive Operational Agility in your Organization
    Reading Time: 4 minutes

    This article was first published on Customer Think. If there was one lesson for organizations after 2023, it was learning to adapt to market turbulences and to stay afloat even in the most unexpected circumstances. As the pandemic disrupted organizations in every possible way, the ones to deal with it the best were the ones

    Business Process Management Tools
    Top 10 Business Process Management Tools for your Business
    Reading Time: 6 minutes

    Tasks such as getting approvals, onboarding new employees, and documentation of business processes can seem mundane. Doing them occasionally may not be a problem, but the trouble begins when they become regular. These everyday tasks can take up most of your time and energy. Fortunately, you can save 30% of your time by automating such

    BPM Podcast
    The Top 10 BPM Podcasts you must listen to
    Reading Time: 7 minutes

    With technology adoption across businesses all over, the way of deriving information to assist with learning and gaining knowledge has changed significantly as well. The Top 10 BPM Podcasts is a helpful article to give you a gist of the best listens we have come across. Podcasts, in general, have evolved from niche media over

    Case Management
    Case Management Software 101: Everything you want to know
    Reading Time: 11 minutes

    The most important resource for any company is its customers. Customers give you business and in turn, enable you to keep the business running and growing. So, having a good customer support department in place becomes essential for running a successful business. However, sometimes it can become difficult to keep track of all of the

    Data Silos
    Data Silos: Breaking down the basics!
    Reading Time: 9 minutes

    “You can have data without information, but you cannot have information without data.” – Daniel Keys Moran “You can have data without information, but you cannot have information without data.” daniel keys moran Data is quickly becoming a currency today, and thus its importance only grows with time. Every business needs to find a smart

    Business Process Management (BPM) Implementation
    10 Step Ultimate Guide to Business Process Management (BPM) Implementation
    Reading Time: 5 minutes

    Did you know that any working personnel averagely spend three hours of their day on insignificant tasks? The statistics are shocking. But we are fortunate to witness methods and solutions to reduce the wastage of time, energy, and monetary resources. Every organization today is working towards achieving the wider objective, it could be scaling up

    Best Practices of Business Process Management
    Top 12 Best Practices of Business Process Management(BPM)
    Reading Time: 6 minutes

    How do businesses develop and maintain the capacity for quick, low-risk, and cost-effective business process operations and automation changes? The conclusion of most studies on business process management lists several rather generic factors, e.g., top management support, communication, appropriate culture, the appointment of process owners, and end-user training.  For BPM initiatives to fulfill the promise

    Automating business processes
    5 Key processes that companies are automating now!
    Reading Time: 5 minutes

    One of the crucial things aspects of the pandemic was teaching us that anything can change, and we need to be geared up when that change comes. It transformed the way that companies worked globally. People were no longer required to work in an office, and remote work became all the hype. And with this

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