  • Revamp Project management with no-code
    Revamp Project Management with No-Code
    Reading Time: 5 minutes

    According to Henry Mintzberg, management is a practice where art, science and craft meet. Say goodbye to complex coding and hello to streamlined success! Explore how non-technical teams can achieve efficient project delivery with simplified tools and automation, maximizing productivity and collaboration. Learn how you can revamp project management with no-code platforms can help you

    Project Management
    How Businesses Can Supercharge Project Management with No-Code Apps
    Reading Time: 6 minutes

    Interesting in learning how businesses can supercharge project management with no-code apps? If yes, you have come to the right place 🙂 How much time do you spend on spreadsheets daily? How much on planning and tracking project activities? Now, calculate the time spent per week and month. Too much time, isn’t it? Creating spreadsheets,

    Empowering Your Current IT Systems
    Empowering Your Current IT Systems for Greater Efficiency
    Reading Time: 5 minutes

    An increase in technology budgets does not implicate accelerated innovation. Most of that budget goes into maintaining, updating, and fixing 500,000 lines of code for the IT System. In today’s rapidly expanding technological landscape, new codes are becoming legacy codes in no time, and the burden of legacy applications is piling on. IT teams are

    Steps to effective Human Resource planning
    Effective Human Resource Planning: 6 steps to success
    Reading Time: 9 minutes

    Human resource planning is critical to organizational success as it helps align the workforce with the company’s goals and objectives. The process involves forecasting the future HR needs of an organization and developing strategies to meet those needs. It is different from human resource management, which is focused on managing the day-to-day HR operations of

    no-code development
    Everything you should know about No-Code Development in 2024
    Reading Time: 11 minutes

    “App development? Ah, no! I am not a tech guy.” But what if you don’t have to be into tech at all? Say hello to the no-code development platform. Going by the name, we have heard many non-technical individuals say that it is too good to be true. We agree that it feels far-fetched, but

    Procurement Process Automation
    Procurement Process Automation with Quixy
    Reading Time: 5 minutes

    For a business to stay afloat, it is important to prevent its supply chain from being disrupted. In recent times, businesses worldwide have widely observed that scarcity of essential components drove the inventory to the lowest levels and impacted manufacturing time across industries. One thing that made some manufacturers make marked performances was their ability

    Sales Automation
    How Sales Automation can Pave Your Way to Your Roaring Success?
    Reading Time: 8 minutes

    The sales team is the key revenue-generating department in any organization. Sales enablement is an essential and progressive process. It requires providing your sales team with veracious tools and resources in the form of information, content, and productivity tools that helps them close more deals. Sales automation is giving marketers a way to solve their

    Hassle-Free No-Code CRM Solution to streamline your Sales Processes
    Reading Time: 6 minutes

    You don’t want to spend your entire day on just CRM. You just want a better CRM solution to monitor and scale your leads, keep track of your deals, and ultimately push your business forward. You’d rather do your real work and not have to worry about CRM all day. Enter Quixy, a leading no-code

    No-Code Low-Code Statistics
    Top 60 No-Code Low-Code Citizen Development Statistics, Facts, and Trends you cannot miss in 2024
    Reading Time: 9 minutes

    The ever-changing digital landscape is forcing businesses to turn on their “all-things-digital” mode. With the increasing demand, IT departments in any organization are overburdened with work, and it is becoming difficult for one team in an organization to keep up with the changing business needs. Overwhelmed with different software and application requirements, fulfilling all the

    Predictions for No-Code Low-Code
    Sneak-peek into Top 10 Predictions for No-Code Low-Code Adoption by Businesses for 2024
    Reading Time: 8 minutes

    No-code low-code platforms have become increasingly popular over the past few years, empowering non-technical employees to build applications and streamlining the software development process for businesses of all sizes. As we move into 2024, it’s worth considering what trends we might see in adopting and using these platforms by businesses.    Reports say that the global

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