  • Data Capture
    Easy QR Code and Barcode Scanning with Quixy
    Reading Time: 2 minutes

    While often overlooked, data capture is one of the most promising avenues through which a business can make strategic decisions and understand the nuances of its processes on a meaningful level. Data capture simply revolves around the collection of various types of information, formatting, analyzing, and storing it in a way that is beneficial to

    Workflow automation
    Workflow Automation in 6 simple steps with No-Code
    Reading Time: 3 minutes

    With changing times and the onset of digital practices, it was only a matter of time before paper-based and manual processes were set to be eradicated. Not only are these processes complex and time-taking, but due to the scope of human error, the desired result is often compromised. Not to mention the grunt-work, limited control,

    Getting familiar with Quixy User interface Builder
    Getting familiar with Quixy User interface Builder
    Reading Time: 4 minutes

    With an ever-mounting backlog on current IT teams in most organizations, building digital apps at scale seems an impossible feat to pull off. According to Gartner, the market demand for app development services will grow at least 5x faster than the IT capacity to deliver them. The solution? Businesses today are leveraging the power of

    Customer Service Request Management
    Customer Service Request Management Made Easy with Quixy
    Reading Time: 4 minutes

    It is possible that two businesses might offer the same product or the same service to customers. However, how efficient and optimized customer service it provides makes a company stand out. A business must offer and integrate customer service at every customer touchpoint to succeed. Across the globe, 96% of consumers say customer service is an important factor

    Quixy’s Snap2App
    Build & Deploy Apps in a Snap with Quixy’s Snap2App feature
    Reading Time: 4 minutes

    Digital Transformation is so widely used that businesses hardly put their energy into defining their end goals before jumping on the bandwagon. Companies are hastily grabbing technologies without proper planning and getting counterproductive results. There are two schools of thought when it comes to DX. One believes DX is about making things better with technology,

    Intelligent text extraction with Quixy Toolbox
    Intelligent text extraction on Chrome with Quixy Toolbox
    Reading Time: 3 minutes

    Have you ever found yourself in a situation where the PDF file online does not allow text to be copied? Or, have you come across content online so inspiring that you wanted to copy it, but the content is on either an image or video? So, what choice do you have other than typing the

    Business Validations
    Add depth to your Process and Apps with Quixy’s Business Validations
    Reading Time: 3 minutes

    Business validations on the Quixy platform are quite powerful and extremely functional, helping Citizen Developers add depth to the process and apps. Before everything else, let us first try to understand what a business validation is. The definition of validation is quite fluid, and we shall view the definition from Quixy’s lens. What is a

    Label Generation
    Automate the Receipt/Label Generation & Printing Process with Quixy
    Reading Time: 3 minutes

    Automation is crucial for a thriving business as our world moves towards digital transformation. By automating processes, enterprises are able to make their workflows faster and are doing more with less. Your barcode labeling environment is no exception. With automated label printing, you can create a labeling process that is faster, more efficient, and has zero room for errors.

    Ready-to-use solutions
    Get started in minutes with Quixy’s Ready-To-Use Solutions
    Reading Time: 3 minutes

    Typical IT projects span between 3 months and 18 months with a failure rate of ~95%. The majority of the projects fail due to mismatch in expectations, scope creeps, changing business environment, etc. to name a few. In this day and age, building an application from the basics to realizing all your business requirements is not an easy endeavor. We all ignore the pitfalls of typical software development

    Get Started
    Getting started with Quixy’s Workspaces, Roles, and Users
    Reading Time: 4 minutes

    No-code Low-code has, in recent years, garnered immense curiosity globally due to its rapid application development (RAD) and Workflow automation capabilities. Ever imagined that you can build your applications at 10x speed that are enterprise-grade (secure, reliable, and scalable), it is a reality today. Few industry analysts predict between 5x and 7x productivity gains for

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    Quixy Achieves a Hatrick in Gartner Peer Insights VoC Report for LCAP