  • Top no-code podcast
    The Top No-Code Podcasts for Citizen Developers in 2024!
    Reading Time: 11 minutes

    No-code and Low-code development is an innovation that is changing the landscape regarding coding for applications and websites. This type of coding is perfect for non-technical individuals, including entrepreneurs and those with big ideas. However, due to the novelty of this type of coding, it can become a little overwhelming for newcomers. In this blog,

    Success with no-code
    5 ways to achieve Success with No-Code Low-Code
    Reading Time: 6 minutes

    Success with no-code low-code has enriched businesses and their capabilities little by little. No-code, low-code-enabled digital innovation rapidly changes how processes are mapped out, followed, and supported.  With little or no coding experience required, no-code, low-code application development has created a massive digital upheaval. The movement of today, yes, that’s right, it’s no more far-fetched;

    Why No-Code is a Boon for Business Users?
    Reading Time: 4 minutes

    Business users form the crux of any company, as they are spread across various departments and carry out the processes that keep an organization running. However, due to digital transformation, there has been a sharp increase in expectations from them. They are not only entrusted to carry out their core roles and responsibilities but they

    The Rapidly Expanding No-Code Landscape
    Reading Time: 4 minutes

    This article (The Rapidly Expanding No-Code Landscape) was first published on Nasscom Community In a time where there’s a major shortage of IT professionals, no-code is taking the world by storm. No-code platforms are bridging the gap between professional developers and consumers, enabling individuals to become citizen developers and achieve technological goals which seemed out

    tech upgrade
    8 Essential Tech Upgrades your Enterprise must consider
    Reading Time: 5 minutes

    This article was first published on ITProPortal Technological advancements keep changing the face of today’s fast-changing business environment. Nothing can stop this. Take the COVID-19 pandemic for instance; if nothing else, it ended up boosting the use of technology to keep businesses going. First, it is important to understand why this need arises in the

    LCNC: Is it completely worth the hype?
    Reading Time: 7 minutes

    So, software and applications in businesses are absolutely normal. Even businesses that used to use paper to do all of their businesses are making the shift to digital. This is no longer a trend and it is here to stay. But what is LCNC, what does it mean and why is it important to this

    IT modernization challenges
    Conquering IT Modernization Challenges: Setting Sail for Success
    Reading Time: 6 minutes

    The heartbeat of every successful organization lies in its ability to harness the power of technology. From streamlining operations to delighting customers with personalized experiences, the role of information technology (IT) has never been more critical. However, as technology advances exponentially, many organizations find themselves grappling with the burden of outdated systems, legacy software, and

    technology priorities
    Top 5 Technology Priorities for Enterprises Preparing for Economic Slowdown
    Reading Time: 5 minutes

    This article was first published in The Next Tech. COVID-19 has spelled doom for enterprises the world over. Half a year into the pandemic, we are still reeling from its effects. The economy seems to be spiraling out of control with no respite in sight. But it’s always a game of survival. Those who adapt,

    Processes and Pandemic
    Processes and Pandemic: Transforming WFH in 2022
    Reading Time: 6 minutes

    Processes and pandemics don’t really go well together, right? We all know 2020 has disrupted workplaces but not in the way we wanted, but what if we tell you that you can turn things around the way you want? Especially get your business processes smoother than ever and accelerate growth? The last two years have

    employee training management software
    Learning made easy with Quixy’s No-Code Employee Training Management Software
    Reading Time: 6 minutes

    If you’re wondering only if I could enhance my business performance and productivity by 200%, of course, you would! But how? Benjamin Franklin once said, “An investment in knowledge pays the best interest,” and we think Mr. Franklin got it to spot on.  And if you put two and two together- that’s right! All you

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