  • Productivity Tools
    Best Productivity Tools to add more hours to your day!
    Reading Time: 8 minutes

    As per an industry study, 92% of employees say having technology that helps them do their job efficiently affects their work satisfaction. Most organizations suffer due to the lack of tools that effectively fulfill all the business needs of their users. While some organizations might face challenges due to a lack of access to productivity

    no-code for e-commerce
    Adapt-or-die: Why e-Commerce stores need No-Code
    Reading Time: 4 minutes

    This article (Adapt-or-die: Why e-Commerce stores need No-Code) was first published on Nasscom Community The transition from a brick-and-mortar store to an e-commerce website is not easy and can be intimidating to retailers. However, this digital transformation cannot be delayed any further.  For many major brands, the global pandemic has accelerated the pre-death stage of retail

    Digital transformation
    Breaking down the benefits of No-Code for CEO, CIO, CISO, CFO, and Business Leaders
    Reading Time: 9 minutes

    No-code is on the rise, and the number of different applications and platforms using this technology only proves its popularity. Over 65% of all development will take place on low-code no-code (LCNC) development platforms by 2025 according to Gartner. However, no-code can also seem confusing, costly, and poorly scalable to nontechnical people who don’t know

    Workflow Automation Tool
    Why Choose Quixy as your Workflow Automation Tool?
    Reading Time: 5 minutes

    We all have been in a situation where we wanted tasks to be managed automatically, and it is all natural to be in such a circumstance. Whether our life or our business, we all look up to automation. And lately, with handling multiple tasks together, time, efficiency, etc., becoming major constraints for most businesses, workflow

    Top 6 Emerging Technology Trends shaping the ‘New Normal’
    Top 6 Emerging Technology Trends shaping the ‘New Normal’ 
    Reading Time: 3 minutes

    This article was first published on Nasscom Community. The technology landscape has been undergoing rapid evolution in the last few years, and this evolution will continue in the near future. Firms that utilize emerging technologies have increased their annual revenue by 58%. Such exponential growth in the tech space has helped companies streamline their business

    No-code and its role in simplifying leadership roles
    No-Code and its role in simplifying leadership roles 
    Reading Time: 4 minutes

    This article was first published on Customer Think. The last ten years have seen a new wave of business transformation fuelled by digital technologies that encourage software engineering and development innovation. Companies are proactively investing in advanced technologies and strategic models to innovate their business value proposition, brand vision and mission, process and system capabilities,

    Quixy’s Snap2App
    Build & Deploy Apps in a Snap with Quixy’s Snap2App feature
    Reading Time: 4 minutes

    Digital Transformation is so widely used that businesses hardly put their energy into defining their end goals before jumping on the bandwagon. Companies are hastily grabbing technologies without proper planning and getting counterproductive results. There are two schools of thought when it comes to DX. One believes DX is about making things better with technology,

    energy and utilities
    No-Code: Paving the Way Forward for Energy and Utilities Industry
    Reading Time: 6 minutes

    We explore how no-code interventions can truly energize the processes of the Energy and Utilities industry through project management and data tools.  Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the energy industry witnessed a drastic change in consumption patterns and a surplus in supply. This made matters worse for an industry that was already struggling with socially

    No-code for Administration & Operations
    No-Code for Administration: Secret Behind an Excellent Workplace
    Reading Time: 5 minutes

    No-code for administration is the door that opens to an excellent and tech-savvy workplace. Let’s explore how the admin department can benefit by adopting the power of no-code citizen development. We know that the pandemic disrupted offices but the most impacted were operations and administration departments. Front-desk chaos became work-from-home process chaos. But now, it’s

    BPM Podcast
    The Top 10 BPM Podcasts you must listen to
    Reading Time: 7 minutes

    With technology adoption across businesses all over, the way of deriving information to assist with learning and gaining knowledge has changed significantly as well. The Top 10 BPM Podcasts is a helpful article to give you a gist of the best listens we have come across. Podcasts, in general, have evolved from niche media over

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