  • mobile forms
    15 ways to Transform your Business with Mobile Forms
    Reading Time: 9 minutes

    Technology – our lives currently revolve around it. According to a recent study by MarketsandMarkets, the global mobile forms automation market is expected to grow from $259.98 million in 2021 to 469.63 million by 2031, at a CAGR of 10.63%. This growth is being driven by a number of factors, including the increasing need for

    Processes every business must automate
    What Processes Every Business Must Automate?
    Reading Time: 7 minutes

    This article (What processes every business must automate?) was first published on YourStory The question “What are the processes every business must automate?” is being asked very frequently these days where every organization is evaluating business process automation (BPA) for their business. The credit for this partly goes to our current difficulties. Businesses that were

    Enterprise-wide automation
    Enterprise-Wide Automation: Understanding the Challenges, Possibilities, and the Future
    Reading Time: 4 minutes

    This article was first published on Customer Think Is there a way to quantify digital transformation? For enterprises, it is an easy yes. More the number of redundant, repetitive processes they can automate to achieve business gains, more is the extent of digital transformation. One example of the process that all can relate to is

    Citizen Development Week
    Citizen Development Week 2023: Celebrating Innovation and Creativity
    Reading Time: 6 minutes

    Are you looking to unleash your creativity and contribute to developing innovative solutions? Do you want to learn about the latest trends in citizen development and collaborate with experts in the field? Then you want to take advantage of the Citizen Development Week on Innovation Day from 17-21 April 2023! Hosted by a team of

    tech disruptions
    Top 7 Tech Disruptions for 2023
    Reading Time: 5 minutes

    This article was first published on IT Chronicles 2022 was a power-packed year. We witnessed a return to the new normal post-pandemic. New ways of working and collaborating ruled the business world. Many disruptions and innovations, such as ChatGPT, shook the scene like never before. Economic issues, rampant mergers and acquisitions, layoffs, shifting talent pools, rapid

    Citizen Development
    5 Reasons to Encourage Citizen Development at Work
    Reading Time: 8 minutes

    A lot is being talked about how organizations must encourage citizen development. Data goes to show that each year there is an increase in the percentage of citizen developers. These are people who don’t have a tech background and are building new applications and programs faster than ever. While this may seem like it’s a

    App development
    The Future of Software is No-Code and Low-Code Programming
    Reading Time: 6 minutes

    It’s getting easier, you guys! In a few years from now, we are going to look back to the “good old days” with nostalgia and remember how we had to depend on a professional coder for the simplest of app developments. Thank you, no-code programming! According to Research and Markets, the low-code no-code market is

    document generation software
    10 Key Business Processes you can Accelerate with Document Generation Software
    Reading Time: 7 minutes

    How does the hiring team in your organization prepare offer letters? How about appointment letters, invoices, and contracts? If the answer to any of these questions is “manually”, then you are already aware of the time and errors these manual processes introduce to the system. Documents are extensively used for critical processes in any business

    Low Code No Code Influencers
    Top No-Code Low-Code Industry Analysts and Influencers
    Reading Time: 10 minutes

    No-Code and Low-Code platforms are relatively new to the market, but everyone in the industry is talking about them. Every business leader is trying to figure out how they can leverage these in their digital transformation journeys. So it’s no surprise that search engines are swamped with questions and answers on these topics.  But more

    recession-proof business with no-code
    Crafting an Economic Safety Net: Making Business Recession-Proof with Technology
    Reading Time: 5 minutes

    This article was first published on Customer Think. Economic indicators indicate a strong likelihood of a recession. Although it likely won’t last long, businesses should be ready for a more severe economic downturn and make amends to recession-proof their businesses. Technology frequently puts a corporation in a much better position to react to the shifting

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