  • Financial Process Automation
    Everything You Need to Know About No-Code Financial Process Automation – The What, Why & How!
    Reading Time: 7 minutes

    We all know finances are the backbone of any and every business. Regardless of the industry, financial efficiency and effectiveness obviously lead to growth and success. And with no-code business process management (BPM) platforms available in the market, achieving it is not difficult; trust us. Businesses across departments and industries are exploring no-code platforms for

    No-Code Agencies
    Top 13 No-Code Agencies for 2024
    Reading Time: 6 minutes

    According to Gartner, 65% of app activity will result from no-code development by 2024. Some no-code platforms are pretty complicated and not easy to learn, but the primary purpose of no-code is to allow people who need coding skills to build their products. Suppose you want to avoid time figuring everything out yourself. You may

    ERP System
    Implementing ERP System? These Top 11 Tried and Tested Tips will Guide you
    Reading Time: 6 minutes

    With employees working remotely due to the pandemic, the supply chain and business operations are getting disrupted in a big way. In this scenario, the modern, agile ERP systems backed by refined business processes can be more than a handful for organizations. Enterprise resource planning is a software system that can manage core business operations ranging

    mental health and productivity at workplace
    Why Mental Health is Important for the Productivity in the Workplace
    Reading Time: 5 minutes

    In the complex dance of workplace dynamics, mental health and productivity are inseparable partners. When individuals are riding the wave of positive mental well-being, they become unstoppable forces of engagement, laser-focused attention, and boundless creativity. On the flip side, when mental health takes a hit, motivation dwindles, concentration wavers, and absenteeism sneaks its way in

    Citizen development security breach prediction
    Forrester’s No-Code Citizen Development Security Breach Prediction Misses the Mark
    Reading Time: 6 minutes

    This article was first published on ReadWrite. As the demand for software development continues to grow, the use of no-code, low-code platforms has become increasingly popular. These platforms help in no-code citizen development & citizen developers. Who may have little to no programming experience to create applications and automate workflows without writing a single line

    Phases of project management
    5 Phases of Project Management: Your Ultimate Guide to Project Success!
    Reading Time: 8 minutes

    An effective project manager (PM) is the foundation of every successful project. Despite the misconception that project managers are simply responsible for reminding everyone of deadlines and scheduling status meetings, this is not the case. To perform these tasks effectively, they need to deeply understand the five phases of project management life cycle, which can

    No-code citizen development tool Great resignation
    No-Code Citizen Development tools can fill a void caused by the Great Resignation
    Reading Time: 4 minutes

    This article was first published on ProjectManagement.com Since the start of the COVID-19 epidemic and the arrival of the Great Resignation, in which hordes of people deserted their employment in search of better opportunities, no-code citizen development has experienced significant growth. Software engineers are particularly hard to find, which has left businesses rushing to acquire

    Field Service Management Software
    How To Successfully Implement the Best Field Service Management Software?
    Reading Time: 5 minutes

    Any business faces logistics challenges, but field service companies face even greater ones. Even the best-planned operations can fail due to changing circumstances and problems in the field. The process is further complicated by the need for consistent management. In today’s market, paper-based business operations are no longer viable. If you want to meet the

    Hybrid workplace statistics
    50+ Hybrid Workplace Statistics that you should know in 2024
    Reading Time: 8 minutes

    With the upcoming trend of the hybrid work model, there exists a misconception that hybrid work and remote work are similar. While this is not true, if you are dealing with the same misconception, before moving forward with the hybrid workplace statistics, let us have a brief overview of remote and hybrid Work.   What is

    Hybrid Workplace Model
    Hybrid Workplace Model: The Future of Work
    Reading Time: 7 minutes

    Working from home seemed like a far-fetched dream a few years back for people who do not enjoy long commute times. It became a necessity in the previous two years and has now taken the shape of a progressive business strategy. The hybrid workplace model introduced as the product of the pandemic has made everyone

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