  • No-code vs. traditional development
    No-Code Vs. Traditional Development (Coding)
    Reading Time: 7 minutes

    It’s the era of visual development! And that is why a war has been waged – no-code vs. traditional development! Until a couple of years ago, development and coding were synonymous. For almost all companies, app development meant choosing a platform, deciding a relevant language, writing multiple lines of code, and so on. All this

    Workflow automation
    Workflow Automation in 6 simple steps with No-Code
    Reading Time: 3 minutes

    With changing times and the onset of digital practices, it was only a matter of time before paper-based and manual processes were set to be eradicated. Not only are these processes complex and time-taking, but due to the scope of human error, the desired result is often compromised. Not to mention the grunt-work, limited control,

    No-code for enterprises and modern business
    Why is No-Code a must-have Modern Requirement for Enterprises?
    Reading Time: 4 minutes

    This article was first published on Customer Think. In today’s enterprises, there is a lot of unmet need that central IT solution teams cannot possibly fill. When given no-code tools, citizen developers can produce solutions ten times more quickly than they could if they only used programming. They design applications that are unlikely ever to

    No-code solutions
    10 No-Code Solutions to Transform the way you do Business
    Reading Time: 12 minutes

    In today’s fast-paced business environment, organizations constantly look for ways to improve efficiency and streamline operations. One solution to this challenge is using no-code low-code platforms, which allow businesses to build custom applications without writing complex code. With the right no-code low-code solution, businesses can automate manual processes, improve customer experience, and integrate with new

    Data Silos
    Data Silos: Breaking down the basics!
    Reading Time: 9 minutes

    “You can have data without information, but you cannot have information without data.” – Daniel Keys Moran “You can have data without information, but you cannot have information without data.” daniel keys moran Data is quickly becoming a currency today, and thus its importance only grows with time. Every business needs to find a smart

    Inventory management
    Transform Your Supply Chain Operations With a Smart Inventory Management App
    Reading Time: 5 minutes

    Are you using a smart inventory management app to manage your inventory? Inventory management is a key operation for businesses in a variety of industries, including manufacturing, logistics, e-commerce, and distribution. Be it electronics, or engineering goods, you know how essential and significant inventory management is for your business. If you’re at the helm of

    Meeting Management
    Meeting Management Solution to Streamline Meetings, from Scheduling to the Closure of Action Items
    Reading Time: 6 minutes

    How often have you walked back from a meeting and forgotten the details about the action points you discussed? How often have you attended meetings without any action points? Meeting complaints like poor preparation, disorganized notes, no agenda, and improper tracking of action items is common in workplaces. The best way to avoid them is

    Best Practices of Business Process Management
    Top 12 Best Practices of Business Process Management(BPM)
    Reading Time: 6 minutes

    How do businesses develop and maintain the capacity for quick, low-risk, and cost-effective business process operations and automation changes? The conclusion of most studies on business process management lists several rather generic factors, e.g., top management support, communication, appropriate culture, the appointment of process owners, and end-user training.  For BPM initiatives to fulfill the promise

    hassle free software
    Say Goodbye to Your Software Hassles with No-Code
    Reading Time: 6 minutes

    This article (Say Goodbye to Your Software Hassles with No-Code) was first published on The Next Tech You want to be efficient and productive when you go to work every day. You want to work on innovative stuff that adds value to you and the business. Don’t you? But what is the reality? Instead of innovating,

    Operational Decision
    What are Operational Decisions? Why are they considered as the backbone of business?
    Reading Time: 5 minutes

    Business users are every day faced with situations where they have to make decisions that can have long-term impacts. Therefore, it is important to ensure that these decisions are accurately made. There are different types of business decisions, like Strategic, Tactical, and Operational. Operational decisions are made to carry out the short-term procedures and achieve

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