  • Procurement Automation
    5 Procurement Automation Processes to Embrace Today
    Reading Time: 7 minutes

    Procurement Automation is the (not so) secret you need to procure today. No, this isn’t going to take forever. We promise.  We have all been stuck there because of complicated procurement processes like supplier onboarding and contract reviews. And we know how frustrating and costly invoice processing and manual data entry errors can be! And

    employee training management software
    Learning made easy with Quixy’s No-Code Employee Training Management Software
    Reading Time: 6 minutes

    If you’re wondering only if I could enhance my business performance and productivity by 200%, of course, you would! But how? Benjamin Franklin once said, “An investment in knowledge pays the best interest,” and we think Mr. Franklin got it to spot on.  And if you put two and two together- that’s right! All you

    No code for IT
    This is why you must use No-Code for IT Operations
    Reading Time: 6 minutes

    We know what it takes for an IT professional to develop, maintain, and resolve hassles in software. Whether it’s building a new application or fixing errors in existing applications, it’s highly possible to have existing backlogs that take weeks or months to finish. And by the time you finish those, more requests are lined up

    Digital Modernization
    Digital Modernization a Must. Modernize your Enterprise IT today!
    Reading Time: 7 minutes

    Everything is evolving and getting better, molding itself to the industry’s growing needs and changing demands. Why should enterprise IT be left behind, then? One of the key aspects of digital modernization is to modernize enterprise IT; strangely, many businesses give it a miss. As a result, IT development is slower and does not match

    Financial Process Automation
    Everything You Need to Know About No-Code Financial Process Automation – The What, Why & How!
    Reading Time: 7 minutes

    We all know finances are the backbone of any and every business. Regardless of the industry, financial efficiency and effectiveness obviously lead to growth and success. And with no-code business process management (BPM) platforms available in the market, achieving it is not difficult; trust us. Businesses across departments and industries are exploring no-code platforms for

    No-code for Administration & Operations
    No-Code for Administration: Secret Behind an Excellent Workplace
    Reading Time: 5 minutes

    No-code for administration is the door that opens to an excellent and tech-savvy workplace. Let’s explore how the admin department can benefit by adopting the power of no-code citizen development. We know that the pandemic disrupted offices but the most impacted were operations and administration departments. Front-desk chaos became work-from-home process chaos. But now, it’s

    No-code for R&D
    No-Code is the Disruption Research and Development teams need
    Reading Time: 5 minutes

    Research and Development processes are the heartbeat of every business. These processes, small or large, provide a gateway to opportunities for increased efficiency and efficacy. From data analysis of individual researchers to final project management processes, the workflows of the R&D department are vital for the survival of an organization. For a department such as

    Human Resource teams
    No-code for HR Department: A superpower
    Reading Time: 7 minutes

    The backbone of an organization is its Human Resource Team. The work is endless, from scouting new talent to managing and creating smooth workflows for different departments. An organization must equip its HR team with the best and most innovative tools to have a strong backbone.  When it comes to the best tools in the

    Field Services
    11 benefits of optimizing your Field Services using No-Code!
    Reading Time: 8 minutes

    On-field services are integral to making sure that your products and services keep running smoothly. This is especially important for companies in industries like industrials equipment, healthcare, etc, where equipment is essential for the day-to-day operations of a company. Although your current processes and workflows for your field services might be running properly, optimizing your

    Customer service solution
    How can a great Customer Service Solution help you grow your Business?
    Reading Time: 6 minutes

    Customer service is key for growing your business, and most companies need to focus on customer satisfaction to ensure that they can retain customers. 54% of the shoppers would stop being loyal to a brand after one bad experience. This makes it vital for companies to maintain a good relationship with their customers, which can be

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