  • No-code in education
    No-Code in Education Space: Advancing the Automation Reform
    Reading Time: 5 minutes

    Education is sometimes perceived as a sector which is resistant to change, while at the same time, it faces a crisis of productivity and efficiency. Innovation and automation reform could help improvise education standards and strengthen the foundation of a civilized and developed society. The advent of no-code in education can help build the leaders

    Automating Employee verification
    Automation of Employee Verification Process: Integration of DigiLocker on Quixy
    Reading Time: 4 minutes

    Onboarding is the process of introducing and integrating new employees into the organization. Employee Verification is one of the key steps in the onboarding process. It involves verifying employee details and the documents submitted by the Employee. The manual process involves receiving, processing and tracking applications manually, with a large amount of paperwork and different

    Project management challenges
    Mastering Top 10 Project Management Challenges: Expert Strategies for Success
    Reading Time: 9 minutes

    Are you a project manager looking to improve your team’s workflow through project management hacks? Do you need help with the number of tasks and deadlines you must keep track of? Don’t worry. We’ve got you covered! Top 10 Project Management Challenges Navigating the dynamic landscape of project management comes with its own set of

    digital transformation
    Digital Transformation Demystified !!
    Reading Time: 9 minutes

    Digital transformation in businesses has now become imperative. In a recent survey, 87% of participating business leaders said they feel at risk if they fail to innovate digitally. The same message comes across from every conference, keynote, panel discussion, article, analyst report, or study on how businesses can remain competitive and relevant as the world becomes

    Future of work Hybrid, remote, AI
    Future of Work: What’s In Store For Your Organization? 
    Reading Time: 5 minutes

    As organizations gear up to thrive in 2024, it is essential to understand the trends shaping workplaces. In an ever-dynamic business environment, it is necessary to be agile and prepared for many disruptions that might come the way of organizations. Therefore, having a strong focus on the “future of work” is an absolute necessity.  So,

    hr benefits from automation
    Digital Transformation in HR
    Reading Time: 6 minutes

    HR is one of the most important departments in an enterprise and involves an array of complex processes at different stages of employee engagement. It is imperative that these crucial processes are automated so as to save time, avoid manual effort, and, most of all, streamline information. Let’s learn how HR benefits from automation &

    workflow management
    Five Strategies to Improve your Workflow Management Software
    Reading Time: 5 minutes

    Undoubtedly, technology has made today’s workplace more efficient and productive. Workflows that may have been riddled with misunderstandings and inefficiencies before have now been polished and streamlined by workflow management software. The importance of this software and other similar programs can be seen in how big of a market it has become. The worldwide market

    Digital Transformation in Engineering
    How Digital Transformation can build the foundation for the Engineering & Construction Industry
    Reading Time: 5 minutes

    As per PwC – Global Construction 2030, the volume of construction output will grow by 85% to $15.5 trillion worldwide by 2030, with three countries, China, the US, and India, leading the way and accounting for 57% of all global growth. Digital Transformation in engineering and construction industry is undergoing a substantial shift. Though there

    Top CIO Conferences & Events to attend in India in 2023
    Reading Time: 8 minutes

    When the Coronavirus pandemic and lockdown stopped work and life, technology found an enormous relief as individuals were in a position to attempt to do too many things essentially. Official meetings and conferences were held utilizing different online stages, instructions on the web, utility administrations, and working with online classes, meetings, bits of preparation, and

    Digital Transformation in Solar
    How Digital Transformation in Solar Industry can make it Shine
    Reading Time: 4 minutes

    In today’s date, every industry leader is looking at how to transform their business digitally. Digital Transformation in solar industry is no different. Let’s learn how Digital Transformation in the Solar industry and make it shine. Renewable energy has established itself as the technology of choice for new power generation capacity, and countries worldwide have

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