  • Software Architects
    4 Ways No-Code makes life simpler for Software Architects
    Reading Time: 4 minutes

    A software architect is an expert developer that is surrounded by coding in everything they do! They have to work on complex software, web, and application designs to make sure that the final products are built without glitches and in a fool-proof manner. However, there are a lot of other roles that software architects have

    Engineering and construction
    How No-Code Solutions can transform the Engineering and Construction Industry
    Reading Time: 6 minutes

    This article (No-Code: The digital foundation Engineering and Construction Industry needs!) was first published on Nasscom Community Project Managers in engineering and construction companies lead a tough life as it is. Being on top of everything right from inspection to procurement to finances is more difficult than it sounds. They are expected to manage a

    Automated Workflows
    5 No-Code Ways to Upgrade Automated Workflows
    Reading Time: 5 minutes

    No-code tools can improve automated workflows in ways that guarantee success. Here are the top 5 benefits of using no-code for workflow automation. Automated workflows have been a segue into digital transformation for most digital-ready organizations. These organizations have realized the innumerable benefits of business automation. Automated workflows have allowed organizations to do away with

    no-code for e-commerce
    Adapt-or-die: Why e-Commerce stores need No-Code
    Reading Time: 4 minutes

    This article (Adapt-or-die: Why e-Commerce stores need No-Code) was first published on Nasscom Community The transition from a brick-and-mortar store to an e-commerce website is not easy and can be intimidating to retailers. However, this digital transformation cannot be delayed any further.  For many major brands, the global pandemic has accelerated the pre-death stage of retail

    What do No-Code Platforms do for Traditional Developers?
    Reading Time: 5 minutes

    No-code platforms are revolutionary tools that let people build a wide range of applications for different industries without the hassles of traditional coding. These platforms come with a robust collection of simplified visual drag-and-drop controls that are used to achieve similar results to coding without actually writing a single line of code! Let’s learn what

    Survey Forms
    Designing and running Surveys made easy with Quixy’s No-Code platform
    Reading Time: 4 minutes

    Surveys are a very useful tool for any organization to gather information. These may be market research surveys to understand business opportunities, customer, vendor, or employee feedback surveys to identify areas of improvement, site surveys for a construction company, or mandatory inspection surveys for an insurance organization.  It’s extremely tedious to gather, process, and analyze

    Digital transformation
    Breaking down the benefits of No-Code for CEO, CIO, CISO, CFO, and Business Leaders
    Reading Time: 9 minutes

    No-code is on the rise, and the number of different applications and platforms using this technology only proves its popularity. Over 65% of all development will take place on low-code no-code (LCNC) development platforms by 2025 according to Gartner. However, no-code can also seem confusing, costly, and poorly scalable to nontechnical people who don’t know

    Is coding a required skill in an automated world
    Is Coding a required skill in an Automated World?
    Reading Time: 7 minutes

    This article (Is Coding Really an End-All Skill for an Automated World?) was first published on Readwrite Automation is the next big thing, and the benefits of this new technology have proven themselves again and again. However, this has led to some confusion regarding how the workforce may need to change to suit the needs

    Power of AI with No-Code
    Power of AI for everyone with ‘No-Code AI’
    Reading Time: 7 minutes

    AI has been around for more than a decade, and some estimates claim it has finally reached critical mass. AI initiatives in most enterprises have moved beyond the experimentation and proof of concept stage. One thing that has steadily been on the rise is the investment and time needed for any AI initiatives to realize,

    Digital transformation objectives
    Digital Transformation: Objectives, Contributing factors & the Road map ahead
    Reading Time: 6 minutes

    Digital transformation is something every CEO, employee, and layman has heard of- LinkedIn posts, news articles, and blogs cannot stop raving about the importance of digital transformation for your business. But let’s be honest, how many of us know what digital transformation entails? Is it a change in your business model or how you operate?

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