  • Workflow Automation Software
    11 Tips to Selecting the Right Workflow Automation Software
    Reading Time: 5 minutes

    There are no two ways of saying that workflow automation is the need of the hour. Organizations that have paper-based processes take a lot out of employees’ productive time as they juggle between paperwork and waiting on approvals. Also, when businesses predominantly run on paper, they are prone to errors and can cost thousands of

    IT Modernization
    IT Modernization Guide: Strategies, Approaches, FAQs, and more
    Reading Time: 11 minutes

    Adopting technology to speed up business processes was one thing and upgrading that technology is another. Technology is advancing with each passing day and using the basic system is only going to put your business in the back seat. This is where IT modernization comes in that will ensure you are always in the driver’s

    No-code for R&D
    No-Code is the Disruption Research and Development teams need
    Reading Time: 5 minutes

    Research and Development processes are the heartbeat of every business. These processes, small or large, provide a gateway to opportunities for increased efficiency and efficacy. From data analysis of individual researchers to final project management processes, the workflows of the R&D department are vital for the survival of an organization. For a department such as

    Digital transformation and IT modernization
    Digital Transformation Evolution over the years in terms of IT Modernization
    Reading Time: 6 minutes

    The digital era has witnessed a remarkable evolution of digital transformation and IT modernization. From its early days of automating manual processes and digitizing paper-based systems, digital transformation has evolved into a strategic initiative driving organizational change. Coupled with IT modernization, it has become a powerful force reshaping the technology landscape and propelling businesses into

    no-code low-code citizen development eBooks
    15+ Top No-Code Low-Code Citizen Development eBooks in 2024 that you probably should have read already
    Reading Time: 6 minutes

    Technology has always been the fastest change bringer in any industry. Unequivocally, technologies that were only a dream a few years ago are a reality now. One such applied science is no-code citizen development. The current era is the time of automation, and you might have encountered the term “no-code” a lot. No-code software development

    automation and employee engagement
    Finding Harmony Between Automation & Employee Engagement
    Reading Time: 7 minutes

    Automation has impacted numerous industries and changed how we operate in today’s quickly evolving technological landscape. Although automation has many advantages, like higher productivity and efficiency, it can also make it difficult for businesses to retain high levels of employee engagement. Motivation, output, and overall company success are all strongly influenced by employee engagement. Employees,

    barriers to employee engagement
    Beyond Boundaries: Challenges in Increasing Employee Engagement
    Reading Time: 4 minutes

    Employee engagement is the cornerstone of a thriving organization. Engaged employees drive productivity, job satisfaction, and contribute to success. This blog explores barriers to employee engagement and offers effective strategies to create a positive work culture and empower the workforce. Discover how to engaged employees are more likely to exceed expectations, experience higher job satisfaction,

    Human Resource teams
    No-code for HR Department: A superpower
    Reading Time: 7 minutes

    The backbone of an organization is its Human Resource Team. The work is endless, from scouting new talent to managing and creating smooth workflows for different departments. An organization must equip its HR team with the best and most innovative tools to have a strong backbone.  When it comes to the best tools in the

    Shadow IT
    Making Shadow IT a Frenemy with Citizen Development
    Reading Time: 10 minutes

    There is a rogue form of IT that lurks in the shadows of big organizations. Shadow IT crept into the frustrating information system of companies to make it less troublesome for the employees. It operates in the dark to further the employees’ effectiveness in their roles by giving teams the tools they need outside of

    Field Services
    11 benefits of optimizing your Field Services using No-Code!
    Reading Time: 8 minutes

    On-field services are integral to making sure that your products and services keep running smoothly. This is especially important for companies in industries like industrials equipment, healthcare, etc, where equipment is essential for the day-to-day operations of a company. Although your current processes and workflows for your field services might be running properly, optimizing your

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