  • myths about low-code no-code
    Myths about Low-Code No-Code Platforms Debunked
    Reading Time: 8 minutes

    Organizations across industry verticals are trying to expedite their digital transformation efforts and evaluating tools to help them in this endeavor. Low-code, no-code platforms are at the top of their list. They are in the spotlight due to multiple reasons, including a lack of skilled software developers and the need to improve turnaround time for

    no-code for entrepreneurs
    No-Code for Entrepreneurs: A 12-Step Roadmap to High-Income Skills
    Reading Time: 4 minutes

    This article was first published on ReadWrite. Entrepreneurship is synonymous with innovation and risk-taking, but it can be a challenging journey filled with obstacles and challenges. However, the rise of no-code technology has opened up new doors of no-code for entrepreneurs to take their ideas from concept to reality without spending countless hours coding. No-code is a

    Legacy Enterprise Systems
    Don’t let Legacy Enterprise Systems burn a hole through your pocket
    Reading Time: 6 minutes

    The world is changing and most essentially speeding up, this is something that holds true for businesses more than anything else. Businesses in more times demand dynamism and the agility to be able to change processes as and when they are needed without having to struggle with IT-related issues. Unfortunately, there are legacy software systems

    No-Code for Engineers
    No-Code for Engineers: Here’s how No-Code can be your friend
    Reading Time: 4 minutes

    This article was first published on Customer Think. Software engineers have been trusted for ages to build applications and solutions that satisfy organizational needs and drive value. They are highly trained in technical skills and have just the right acumen to drive digital transformation in an organization. Organizations have depended on IT departments (comprise of

    No-Code a Game Changer
    Why No-Code is set to be a Game-Changer for Businesses across the spectrum
    Reading Time: 4 minutes

    This article was first published on Nasscom Community No-code is an application building and development solution that almost everyone can use today. As the name suggests, a digital solution can be created from scratch without writing a single line of code. No-code has been around for a very long time, and people have been making

    AI tool
    Stay Ahead of the Curve: Top AI Tools You Need to Consider in 2023 for Enhanced Productivity!
    Reading Time: 10 minutes

    AI has become an integral part of our lives in today’s digital age. And has transformed the way we work, communicate, and consume information. Artificial Intelligence technology is transforming businesses’ operations, making processes more efficient and increasing productivity. AI tools can help businesses automate repetitive tasks, increase productivity, improve the quality of work, streamline workflows,

    digital transformation terms
    A Comprehensive Glossary of Digital Transformation Terms
    Reading Time: 16 minutes

    If you have run a few searches in the realm of digital transformation, there is a high chance you have stumbled across many terms you are unfamiliar with. It is often confusing to start without context and a brief understanding of the terms surrounding the latest digital transformation tools and technology. So we decided to

    mobile forms
    15 ways to Transform your Business with Mobile Forms
    Reading Time: 9 minutes

    Technology – our lives currently revolve around it. According to a recent study by MarketsandMarkets, the global mobile forms automation market is expected to grow from $259.98 million in 2021 to 469.63 million by 2031, at a CAGR of 10.63%. This growth is being driven by a number of factors, including the increasing need for

    7 Workplace Health and Safety Apps Redefining OHS in times of the Pandemic
    Reading Time: 4 minutes

    This article (7 Workplace Health and Safety Apps Redefining OHS in Times of the Pandemic) was first published on Medium As the epicenter of the COVID-19 pandemic moves, and each impacted area slowly recovers from its highest infection rate, organizations now need to prepare to restart closed facilities, reopen stores and get workers back to work.

    Business Marketing Solution
    No-Code for Business Marketing Solutions
    Reading Time: 4 minutes

    Technological advancements across the world have a significant impact on how businesses are run because of the benefits that they attain from using technology. While there are a lot of different revolutions in the world of business technology, one of the most remarkable and powerful changes is the movement towards a no-code culture. In reality,

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