  • Employee productivity Statistics
    50+ Powerful Employee Productivity Statistics that will make you think
    Reading Time: 6 minutes

    For earning profit along with long-term growth, businesses require productive employees. Are employees 100% productive at the workplace? According to research, employee productivity is generally less than 60%, and most employees believe working from home increases their productivity levels. Today we will talk about the undeniable and proven employee productivity statistics and forecasts that will

    Benefits of digital innovation
    Digital Innovation Demystified: Understanding the Basics
    Reading Time: 8 minutes

    Digital innovation is the buzzword of the century, and rightly so! If there is one thing you need to stay in the game and keep winning, it’s to find new ways, better ways to solve old problems. And the phenomenal benefits of digital innovation are precisely why it’s transforming every industry in remarkable ways. The

    Moms inspired productivity tips
    Mother’s Day Special: Productivity Tips Inspired by Millennial Moms
    Reading Time: 3 minutes

    As a mom, your time is precious, and being productive is essential to getting everything done. But with so many responsibilities to juggle, it can be challenging to stay on top of everything. That’s where these productivity tips, inspired by millennial moms, come in. These moms have found ways to balance their busy lives and

    Product owner skills
    Mastering These 10 Skills Is a Must for Every Product Owner!
    Reading Time: 8 minutes

    Agile product improvement philosophy and scrum improvement area a high cost on the position of product proprietors. The number of employed product owners, which was approximately 5,799 in 2020, continues to grow, necessitating a combination of various skills and expertise for optimal performance. A PO can not perform well if they do not possess the

    Modern Workplace
    How has New Technology affected the Modern Workplace?
    Reading Time: 2 minutes

    This article was first published on The Times of India Readers’ Blog The journey of employees from keeping records on registers to getting data systematically in the way they want is appreciable. The adoption of technology in the digital workplace has radically altered the way we work, compared with how our ancestors did, but also

    Quiet Quitting
    Quiet Quitting: How can you shield your organization?
    Reading Time: 3 minutes

    This article was first published on Nasscom Community. A phrase that emerged from a 17-second video on TikTok has taken the corporate world by storm. Quiet quitting is essentially a form of adopting “work-to-rule” where employees work as per the minimum requirement of their jobs and refuse to go above and beyond. Sure, they still

    Automating business processes
    5 Key processes that companies are automating now!
    Reading Time: 5 minutes

    One of the crucial things aspects of the pandemic was teaching us that anything can change, and we need to be geared up when that change comes. It transformed the way that companies worked globally. People were no longer required to work in an office, and remote work became all the hype. And with this

    Phases of project management
    5 Phases of Project Management: Your Ultimate Guide to Project Success!
    Reading Time: 8 minutes

    An effective project manager (PM) is the foundation of every successful project. Despite the misconception that project managers are simply responsible for reminding everyone of deadlines and scheduling status meetings, this is not the case. To perform these tasks effectively, they need to deeply understand the five phases of project management life cycle, which can

    Characteristics of Effective Teams
    Top 10 Characteristics of Effective Teams that Outshines in an Organization!
    Reading Time: 4 minutes

    This article was first published on Customer Think. “If everyone is moving forward together, then success takes care of itself.” Henry Ford We absolutely love this quote by him because it perfectly expresses why it is vital to build effective teams!High-performing teams are a reflection of an industry-leading business. Because when everyone works together, performance

    No-Code Skills
    Why You Need No-Code Skills to Succeed in the Digital World 
    Reading Time: 14 minutes

    Are you looking for ways to succeed in the digital world but intimidated by complex coding languages and technical jargon? Fear not, because the future of digital success lies in the power of no-code tools. With no-code skills, you can unlock a world of limitless potential, revolutionize the development process, and thrive in the digital

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