  • tech disruptions
    Top 7 Tech Disruptions for 2023
    Reading Time: 5 minutes

    This article was first published on IT Chronicles 2022 was a power-packed year. We witnessed a return to the new normal post-pandemic. New ways of working and collaborating ruled the business world. Many disruptions and innovations, such as ChatGPT, shook the scene like never before. Economic issues, rampant mergers and acquisitions, layoffs, shifting talent pools, rapid

    Cross-functional Teams
    Unlocking the Potential of Cross-Functional Teams: A Practical Guide
    Reading Time: 7 minutes

    Do you want to create a team of employees focused on success and collaboration? A cross-functional team could be the answer. In today’s world, companies are looking for teams of employees that can work together to achieve the best results. Cross-functional teams provide an opportunity to bring together people with different skills and perspectives, which

    Digital transformation strategy
    Crafting A Winning Digital Transformation Strategy: 7 Key Components
    Reading Time: 7 minutes

    Digitally transformed businesses are anticipated to contribute $53.3 trillion to GDP, which is more than half of the Global GDP. However, only 53% of businesses have a digital transformation strategy that is applied across the board. The rest 47% of businesses are surrounded by the following pain points, which ultimately become a constraint in creating

    workflow automation
    A Complete Guide to Workflow Automation Software
    Reading Time: 8 minutes

    Ever heard about Workflow Automation software? What is it? Why should you care? What are the benefits? Don’t worry !! We’ll cover them all in this brief guide on workflow automation. Let’s get started. The world is evolving rapidly, with customers becoming more used to quick services and expecting perfection at every point. It doesn’t

    Unproductive tech habits
    Unproductive Tech Habits You Need to Ditch Today
    Reading Time: 4 minutes

    This article was first published on ReadWrite. Technology tools are mostly a blessing. However, there are many tech pitfalls that employees can fall into that kill productivity. Here’s how to avoid those unproductive tech habits. Technology has paved the way for organizations to do better, create pioneering processes, and deliver above expectations. There is no

    recession-proof business with no-code
    Crafting an Economic Safety Net: Making Business Recession-Proof with Technology
    Reading Time: 5 minutes

    This article was first published on Customer Think. Economic indicators indicate a strong likelihood of a recession. Although it likely won’t last long, businesses should be ready for a more severe economic downturn and make amends to recession-proof their businesses. Technology frequently puts a corporation in a much better position to react to the shifting

    Workflow Automation and Workflow Management
    Workflow Automation and Workflow Management: Difference, Similarities and Importance 
    Reading Time: 4 minutes

    A workflow is a repeatable sequence of steps you undertake to carry out a process. Consider it a series of tasks that move from one stage to the next until it is completed. Workflow automation eliminates human intervention and improves the efficiency of a process; workflow management is an approach that businesses undertake to ensure

    No-code for business
    Unleashing the Beast in 2024: No-Code for Business Problems
    Reading Time: 8 minutes

    This article was first published on Customer Think As Chris Wansthrath, CEO of GitHub says, “The future of coding is no coding at all”, the greatest innovation of today is no-code for business solutions- from ground-level processes to entire digital business strategies. The future of coding is no coding at all. Chris Wansthrath, CEO of GitHub

    Business industries with no-code
    Empowering Business Industries with No-Code Solutions: Top Beneficiaries Revealed!
    Reading Time: 7 minutes

    Did you know that 31% of business industries have fully automated at least one function? Digital transformation has been at the forefront of innovation in every industry, and now it can be achieved by anyone without spending hours coding. Sounds impossible? Not anymore! Thanks to the introduction of no-code platforms, building an application is more

    No-code for business departments
    No-Code for Business Departments to Empower and Streamline Operations across
    Reading Time: 6 minutes

    Innovation was always depended on developers and people who could code, making it exclusive – until now! No-code is the revolution that lets anyone, and that means absolutely ANYONE, build an application. Do you have innovative ideas that will revolutionize every business department in your company, be it accounts, marketing or human resources, but need

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