  • SDLC vs Agile
    SDLC Vs Agile: Which one is the best?
    Reading Time: 9 minutes

    Since the advent of software, the world has become much more sophisticated in the last two decades. In the world of information technology, businesses and individuals are continually innovating and developing software and programs. Any software solution’s success depends on its methodology and the quality of effort put into its development. The software development process

    No-Code Automation
    How Implementing No-Code Automation Eliminates Employees Pain Points
    Reading Time: 6 minutes

    This article was first published on ReadWrite. The power of automation is essential in today’s ever-changing corporate landscape. Automation has become a critical tool in nearly every industry because it enables organizations to streamline complex operations, enhance productivity, and cut costs. The rise of no-code platforms, which allow non-technical people to create and change automated workflows with minimum

    Enterprise-Grade Applications
    What are Enterprise-Grade Applications? Top Tips for building
    Reading Time: 5 minutes

    There are several interpretations of the concept of “enterprise-grade” infrastructure. Depending on what you consider enterprise-grade for your web application, it may differ from what you would require for ERP, CRM, OLTP, finance, or other business-critical systems. In the cloud era, it is essential to understand what “enterprise-grade applications” means for your critical applications. Increasingly,

    no-code low-code in the pharmaceuticals industry
    The Transformative Power of No-Code Low-Code in Pharmaceuticals Industry
    Reading Time: 5 minutes

    The pharmaceuticals industry is at the forefront of a rapid digital transformation, embracing innovative technologies to streamline operations, enhance collaboration, and deliver life-saving drugs faster to the market. In this era of technological advancements, no-code, and low-code platforms have emerged as game-changers, enabling pharmaceutical companies to optimize their end-to-end operations efficiently. These platforms empower citizen

    No-code for startup
    No-code for Startups: A Launchpad to Success
    Reading Time: 4 minutes

    This article (No-code for Startups: A Launchpad to Success) was first published on e27 Sure, photography is a honed skill but does everybody sit and learn to develop a film or just use an iPhone camera? In the same way, coding is a honed skill until no-code came to be. No-code for startups is the

    Project Management Hacks
    Project Management Hacks 101: Handbook for assured Success
    Reading Time: 7 minutes

    Do you ever wonder what makes the project and project managers successful? It is the combination of managerial skills and software tools. A successful project is linked to a few factors like the goal being well-understood by the team member, the project manager being open to suggestions, and putting the right time and effort into

    workflow automation in remote learning
    Workflow Automation in Remote Learning: Astounding Ways Gaps can be filled in the tough times
    Reading Time: 7 minutes

    The last two years have been hard, more than anything; these years were the years of shutdown. Lockdowns of entire cities, states, and countries have taken place, and schools/colleges and general learning mechanisms have felt the brunt of all this. Schools have taught kids as young as three and teachers in their 80s the art

    Future of work
    The Future of Work: Adapting your Skills to Succeed
    Reading Time: 5 minutes

    It is believed that we are living in the fourth industrial revolution. Things are changing so fast that we have no choice but to learn to adapt and be resilient. In the future of work, professions that don’t exist today may even turn up. According to a recent report, 85% of the jobs that today’s

    e-commerce workflow automation
    e-Commerce Workflow Automation to Streamline your Online Business
    Reading Time: 7 minutes

    e-commerce workflow automation is a smart way to keep your business floating and flourishing day and age as businesses are developing very fast. Orders can be taken at any time when websites are operational continuously. Of course, your staff cannot work 24/7, but that does not have to halt your business operations. Continue reading to

    roi of business workflow automation
    Effective ROI results with No-Code Business Workflow Automation
    Reading Time: 8 minutes

    Nowadays, every company needs to have systems to help employees do their work efficiently and in a streamlined manner. Business workflow automation is a process that can help businesses cut down on identified repetitive tasks and speed up the workflow of their employees. This is a form of business process automation. Business Process Automation is

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